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Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 01
You will only see this screen if you have employees on file who are paid at
different frequencies, example if the managers are paid monthly but the office
staff are paid every 2 weeks. If it appears it will be at the start of the
employee update program, the same message will also appear at the very start of
the pay cycle program. The message on the screen describes its purpose. Be
sure you understand that if you select only one group of employees then that is
all that will be processed - if you try to find an employee from a different
group he will appear to be not on file even if he is. If you need to process
more than one group of people select all the ones you need.
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 02
This is the main menu of PAYUSEDT.EXE - the program which maintains your
employee database (file PAYUSA.DTA). This program can either be run on its
own (not recommended) or run from the PAYUSA.EXE MAIN MENU (strongly
recommended). If run from PAYUSA.EXE then Esc will return you to that program
else Esc will return you to DOS. Toggling F4 will prevent accidental
alterations if you just want to look at the employees without making changes.
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 03
The user has selected to update an employee, and this window pops up to ask how
the employee is to be located in the file. Salaried people may not need
updates from one pay to the next, but hourly paid will need hours entering each
pay so the default choice F4 will pull all of those people up one after the
other to make the task easier. With the F4 choice, Employees will appear in
alphabetical order of surname then firstname - if time sheets or cards are used
it would be faster if they are kept in the same sequence.
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 04
Possible matches appear in this window and the user can either accept the match
(by just pressing Enter) or go on to the next possibility (by pressing Ctrl Y),
or end the search (by pressing Esc). The key to the employee file is the
Social Security Number plus the Employee Number and the combination must be
unique. We made it both in case an employee is re-hired and you wanted to set
up a new record (same SSN but different Empl. No.). Empl. No. is optional.
Because they are key information, once entered SSN and Empl. No. cannot be
altered from these employee update screens, but they can be changed by a utilty
program available from the Configuration and Utility sub menu of the Main
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 05
Having selected an employee the user is asked where to start looking at the
records. The usual choice would be F6 to just update current hours, but we
will take F1 and go through the whole record. When first adding a new employee
you must complete one screen at a time and cannot go back to earlier screens
until all screens are entered (as we do not want a partial employee record on
file). However, in the update mode you can skip around from one screen to the
next in any sequence. Pressing PgUp will go to the previous screen, PgDn will
go to the next screen. For longer jumps instead of paging through all screens,
press Home to return to this screen select menu then choose the screen you want
directly. When you are finished with the employee record press End or Esc from
any employee information screen.
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 06
The start of the basic employee information. The bright bar next to PREV EMPL
NUM is the cursor (shown as a row of underline characters __________ if these
screens are printed out ). The format of the employee number is your choice -
numbers and alpha characters can be mixed - you allocate the number. PREV EMPL
NUM is one field that is not used by PAYROLL USA but is provided in case you
re-hire a terminated employee using a different employee number and want to
remind yourself where previous records might be filed. There are several
screens of basic information - PAYROLL USA stores more information than might
be strictly needed for payroll so that you have it all easily available in one
place. Each item of information is called a "field" in computer jargon.
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 07
Some fields are optional and PAYROLL USA does not care if they are completed or
not as it does not use them, but some fields are essential and these are
checked as the cursor passes over them. If the cursor will pass over an empty
field without complaining then it is an optional field. If it is an essential
field and the value in it is blank or in error then a window pops up with a
reason for the error, or a cursor selectable choice of valid values. Example
EMPLOYEE STATUS has been left blank and when Enter is pressed with the cursor
on that field the above window pops up. Simply select the value you need from
the choices offered and it will be filled in for you. This is particularly
useful when setting up a new employee - you do not need a coding manual or desk
ready reference card as the program shows the valid codes.
Screenfile EMP_UPDT.SCN Screen# 08
The above screen is a continuation of the employee basic information. Fields
that are meaningless to your operation (e.g. SALARY TERRITORY / SALARY LEVEL /
SALARY PERFORMANCE are meaningless if you don't use a structured salary
grade/step table) can be left empty. Until you get used to PAYROLL USA you
might want to move the cursor from field to field by pressing Enter when first
setting up the basic information and tax information screens for new employees
so that all the fields can be checked. The up arrow and the down arrow can be
used to move the cursor up or down a line at a time for speed, but not all
fields will be checked if you do that (it should not be necessary to re-check
them once entered unless they are being changed).
If OVERTIME PERMITTED is set FALSE an employee will not be paid for overtime
even if overtime hours are inadvertantly entered. Example a manager might not
be eligible for overtime as his salary and bonus might be considered enough to
justify extra effort when needed.
If VACATION ACCRUAL P'CENT is greater than 0.00 then a percentage ADDITIONAL to
each pay will be set aside in a vacation accrual field. This accrual will also
appear in your journal entries so that you know what liability you have to pay
for vacations the employee's are entitled to. If the employee is entitled to a
paid vacation then this additional percentage is actually the employee's money
over and above his regular pay - it has to be set to one side and taxed when
paid out. The percentage to use depends on the employee's annual vacation
entitlement. In essence the weeks he is working have to contribute to the
weeks he is on vacation so the most accurate formula would be (weeks vacation x
100) divided by (52 - weeks vacation). This equates to: 2 weeks = 4.00%, 3
weeks = 6.12%, 4 weeks = 8.33%, 5 weeks = 10.64%, 6 weeks = 13.04% . You can
easily adapt this formula to some other way of doing vacation, example if it is
based on days and there are assumed to be 52 x 5 = 260 working days in a year
then use (days vacation x 100) divided by (260 - days vacation). Vacation
accrual is automatically reduced by the dollar value of any vacation hours
entered on the current hours screen. If vacation hours will produce more
vacation pay than is in the accrual you will be warned but the operation is
permitted as you may be intentionally giving the employee vacation time that he
has not yet earned. In these circumstances there will be a negative vacation
accrual balance and it will automatically return to a positive amount as the
vacation time is later earned back. The types of pay that are included in the
accrual calculation can be set from the Configuration program.
The current hours screen also has a PAY ALL VACN. ACCRL. field to set automatic
pay out of all accumulated vacation accrual (example when an employee
terminates, or if he wants to tak